Inspired by a number of art gallery sites and personal portfolios, I created a CV / profile concept that suited a landing page or one page website for an artist, writer, or designer in need of displaying press and credentials quickly.

It seemed common among fine artists, galleries, and museums to want to do a flatter design that relied heavily on well-placed typography, which is what I tried to achieve with this design.

The initial view featured a full page, randomized image pulled from a folder using a simple javascript code. The code didn’t need the user to define the individual images, just the number of images in a target album with a numerical naming convention.

In the lower right hand corner is a navigation button that diagonally slides out a panel with profile information, references, and press links. The mobile view collapsed down only to show the information in one column format.

When toggling, the red navigation button would resize and switch from a plus to minus symbol.